Paper published in IROS 2020
Congratulations to Phillip Daniel for his recent publication!
In ‘Stable Crawling Policy for Wearable SuperLimbs Attached to a Human with Tuned Impedance’, Phillip demonstrates a control algorithm allowing for a human model to crawl using a pair of supernumerary robotic limbs. Verifying the walking policy that he developed using simulated experiments, Phillip’s work is the first, that we are aware of, to address cooperative crawling between a human and a wearable robotic system with state feedback.
The full paper can be found in IROS 2020’s Conference Proceedings.
Daniel, Phillip, Asada, Harry, “Stable Walking Policy for Wearable SuperLimbs Attached to a Human with Tuned Impedance,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2020. Las Vegas, NV. 25-29 Oct 2020